The Holistic Graduate Program office is located at 162 Webster Street (#10 on the campus map), which is a gray-green ranch-style house across the street from the Safety and Security Office (Tobin Hall) and next to Miley Hall – a large blond brick dormitory at the corner of Ochre Point Avenue and Webster Street.
You may park on Lawrence Avenue (which is to the West just around the corner from our building), on Webster Street along the side of Ochre Court in the marked parking spaces, on Leroy Ave or on Ochre Point Avenue close to the Chapel or any of the areas highlighted in gray on the map. Parking lots are used by permit holders only. There is no parking on Webster Street directly in front of our building or in our driveway.
Feel free to call if you get lost or need help – We’ll talk you in the right direction! (401) 341-3179